Tuesday, May 13, 2014


the fact that God loves me is crazy.
He loves my sinful, selfish, undeserving self. 
not only that, but He sent His Son to die for my sins so that I could have a relationship with Him. 


today the weight of this has been laying on my heart. in all honesty, it should weigh on me everyday and should constantly bring me to my knees. however, my own selfish thoughts get in the way time and time again. and yet, despite my own fleshly ways, God still loves me and lavishes His grace upon me. 

the reality of this is incredible. the God of the universe who created everything loves me and wants to have a relationship with me! another awesome truth to this is that He views EVERYONE on Earth this way!! we should jump up and down in the streets and sing praises to Him because of this!!

anyways, I just felt like sharing these happy realities with you all today :)

in other news: I graduated from college this past week (!!!!!).

it seems like it was just yesterday when I moved into my dorm at The University of Tennessee; and now my undergraduate years there are finished! my, how time flies!

these past four years have been full of adventure, laughter, friends, tears, joys, sorrows, loneliness, thankfulness, growth, maturity and probably every other emotion or description available. and I am so thankful for every single moment.

I have so enjoyed my years at UT and will definitely miss them and the experiences and opportunities I had while there. 

 the dearest friends. 
 my freshman roommate.

dear sister.

the best and most supportive parents.


 even though it is bittersweet to leave, I am also beyond excited for the next adventure God has for me!

in September, I am making the big move to....WASHINGTON, D.C.

The Lord has opened the door for me to be a part of the Falls Church Fellows Program, which I cannot believe! as the time moves closer, I will expand on that more.

big things are happening people! 

until next time...

Monday, April 28, 2014


so it's been a while, blog world. 

I attempted to do the "blog everyday for a month thing," which obviously didn't work out.  I'm not going to lie, it's hard to write everyday when you're in school and not too much is going on.  

however, that is changing now because I'm officially finished with my college career (except for one exam, but that really doesn't count).

I cannot believe it though!! no more undergraduate classes or anything. my time here at The University of Tennessee is coming to an end. 

(hence why this post is entitled change--because a lot of changes are happening)

going back to blogging: many things have come up to make me want to restart my blogging days.  
for one: I have more free time to write.
two: I read so many blogs and love writing so I thought I would have my chance again to be a part of this blogging world. 
three: I want to document all of the events, feelings and whatnot that will be occuring in my life from now on. 
I love to journal, but I think it's fun to document on a blog. 
therefore, I'm restarting this blog.

another change is the title! I have been reading Ann Voskamp's One Thousand Gifts and y'all, it's incredible. she is such an amazing and real writer and hits on so many things that I can relate to. I just love it. but one of the frequent themes throughout her book is the word "eucharisteo."  so I'm taking that from her (hopefully with her permission) and using it in my title.  I will post an explanation on it sometime :) 

anyways, all of that to say that I'm back and so excited to see where this blog will take me!

I hope you stick around to enjoy, whoever you are lovely readers :)